Monday, April 04, 2005


- Space is a medium, rather than an object, for commercial use; it must have/serve a purpose

- Space can be used to clean up earth's environment from the hazardous materials that we generate/have in storage

-- Lunar base (or even other planetary moons) for processing/burying hazardous materials

-- Other planetary moons offer the advantage of near absolute zero temperatures thus life-cycle of radioactive materials may be "frozen in time" in stable environment for possible later uses/scientific studies in cryogenics/studies in quantum mechanics, etc.

--- Triton and Titan are the moons considered because of their extremely cold environment

-- Alternatively, containers of hazardous materials may be launched towards the sun for safe permanent and complete disposal

-- Hazardous cargo transportation will be bulk of space business

--- Need to solicit container/vehicular designs from industry

- Scientific discoveries/research are useful benefits to be derived from the primary purpose of hazardous materials disposal

-- It is politically difficult to advocate space exploration for potential scientific use. Contrariwise, environmental clean-up is something that all can understand and is viewed as essential to our future

- Commercial opportunity exist for businesses engaged in waste disposal

-- Private industry packages/transports waste to central launch facilities

--- Lunar base itself built by private industry for government. Private industry can also run lunar bases under contract from government.

-- Government responsible for launch of materials into space and arrival of materials to appropriate destination

- What needs to be done?

-- Long-term environmental space policy/commitment by US government

--- Alternatively, these policies may be carried out under UN auspices combining launch facilities of launch capable countries into integrated operations

-- In 25 years, environmental disposal policy in space fully implemented and on-going operations

--- 2008 - 2011: Feasibility studies completed; container prototypes built; lunar base design complete/launch towards Sun project in full development stage; industrial contract sought/completed

--- 2013 - 2017: Construction of lunar base begun; Solar launch completed/results evaluated; Triton/Titan design, scientific evaluation of benefits/debits, cost evaluation/merits of Triton/Titan project

--- 2018 - 2020: Lunar base completed, limited operations in storage of materials; continued launches towards sun with the most hazardous materials on board

--- 2021 - 2025: Lunar base in full operations; launches from earth occur on regular schedule, backlog of hazardous materials accumulated on earth reduced by half; launches towards sun with most hazardous radioactive materials on board continue; launch towards Triton/Titan with experimental payload

--- 2026 - 2030: Environmental disposal policy in space is normal part of our daily life, policy review completed to evaluate results; manufacture of hazardous materials/processing accomplished in moon base, not on earth

-- Government must prioritize disposal operations in terms of what needs to be disposed of immediately versus what can wait

-- Commercial opportunities are abundant; government must actively open door for business access

--- Government must recognize that private business cannot go at it alone; environmental disposal policy in space is truly a joint governmental-private industry partnership

-- Costs can be recovered in part by disposal fees charged to the generators of hazardous wastes; disposal companies assume responsibilities for the proper processing/compliance with environmental regulations. Hazardous waste generators only have to contract for disposal/identify materials

- Clearly we shouldn't continue to pour in money to temporary solutions as we do now. Environmental disposal policy in space is a permanent solution to the hazardous waste problem that confronts us today

- Environmental disposal policy in space is a long-term commitment by the government in partnership with industry to clean up our planet through the abundant medium of space

-- National consensus must be achieved in order to accomplish this

-- School education plays key role, with math/science needs looming large

--- Positive aspect rather than negative, i.e., we need better scientific education at earlier ages

--- Industry must emphasize that this are the needs that will generate tomorrow's jobs

Sunday, April 03, 2005

I Would Like

I Would Like by Yegnenyi Yevtushenko

I would like
to be born
in every country,have a passport for them all to throw all foreign offices into panic, be every fish in every ocean and every dog in the streets of the world. I don’t want to bow down before any idols or play at being a Russian Orthodox church hippie, but I would like to plunge deep into Lake Baikal and surface snorting somewhere, why not in the Mississippi? In my damned beloved universe I would like to be a lonely weed, but not a delicate Narcissus kissing his own mug in the mirror. I would like to be any of God’s creatures right down to the last mangy hyena--but never a tyrant or even the cat of a tyrant. I would like to be reincarnated as a man in any image: a victim of prison tortures, a homeless child in the slums of Hong Kong, a living skeleton in Bangladesh, a holy beggar in Tibet, a black in Cape Town, but never in the image of Rambo. The only people whom I hate are the hypocrites--pickled hyenas in heavy syrup. I would like to lie under the knives of all the surgeons in the world, be hunchbacked, blind, suffer all kinds of diseases, wounds and scars, be a victim of war, or a sweeper of cigarette butts, just so a filthy microbe of superiority doesn’t creep inside. I would not like to be in the elite, nor, of course, in the cowardly herd, nor be a guard dog of that herd, nor a shepherd, sheltered by that herd. And I would like happiness, but not at the expense of the unhappy, and I would like freedom, but not at the expense of the unfree. I would like to love all the women in the world, and I would like to be a woman, too-- just once...Men have been diminished by Mother Nature. Why couldn’t we give motherhood to men? If an innocent child stirred below his heart, man would probably not be so cruel. I would like to be man’s daily bread--say, a cup of rice for a Vietnamese woman in mourning, cheap wine in a Neapolitan workers’ trattoria, or a tiny tube of cheese in orbit round the moon. Let them eat me, let them drink me, only let my death be of some use. I would like to belong to all times, shock all history so much that it would be amazed what a smart aleck I was. I would like to bring Nefertiti to Pushkin in a troika. I would like to increase the space of a moment a hundredfold, so that in the same moment I could drink vodka with fishermen in Siberia and sit together with Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, and Tolstoy, drinking anything, except, of course, Coca-Cola,--dance to the tom-toms in the Congo,--strike at Renault,--chase a ball with Brazilian boys at Copacabana Beach. I would like to know every language, like the secret waters under the earth, and do all kinds of work at once. I would make sure that one Yevtushenko was merely a poet, the second--an underground fighter somewhere,I couldn’t say where for security reasons, the third--a student at Berkeley, the fourth--a jolly Georgian drinker, and the fifth-- maybe a teacher of Eskimo children in Alaska, the sixth-- a young president, somewhere, say, modestly speaking, in Sierra Leone,the seventh-- would still be shaking a rattle in his stroller, and the tenth... the hundredth... the millionth...For me it’s not enough to be myself, let me be everyone! Every creature usually has a double, but God was stingy with the carbon paper, and in his Paradise Publishing Corporation made a unique copy of me. But I shall muddle up all God’s cards-- I shall confound God! I shall be in a thousand copies to the end of my days,so that the earth buzzes with me, and computers go berserk in the world census of me. I would like to fight on all your barricades, humanity,dying each night like an exhausted moon,and resurrecting each morning like a newborn sun, with an immortal soft spot--fontanel-- on my head. And when I die, a smart-aleck Siberian Francois Villon, do not lay me in the earth of France or Italy, but in our Russian, Siberian earth, on a still-green hill, where I first felt that I was everyone.

The Rose

I sometimes think that never blows so red
The Rose as where some buried Caesar bled;
That every Hyacinth the Garden wears
Dropt in its Lap from some once lovely head

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam